
Orsato: “My second life: No executive positions, I want to teach refereeing”


Daniele Orsato, the renowned Italian referee, has opened up about his plans for the future now that he has hung up his whistle. In a candid interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport, Orsato shared his vision for his post-refereeing career and his desire to give back to Italian football.

When asked about his next step, Orsato was clear: “I’ll say right away that I don’t want to be an appointer or a president. I want to teach.” He revealed that he had received numerous offers after his final match at Euro 2024, including from abroad, but he declined them all. “I want to give something back to Italy first of all, to stay here,” he explained.

Orsato confirmed that he had been offered another year on the field by Rocchi but turned it down. “I would have taken matches away from my colleagues, especially the younger ones. That’s not done,” he stated. He also shared a personal promise he had made to his late mother to retire after the European Championship.

Regarding his future role in Italian refereeing, Orsato expressed his readiness to contribute: “I’m waiting and I’ll wait: I’m totally available. I’ve made a proposal at a technical level. Not political. Technical: because that’s what we need to return to.”

Orsato’s proposal to the Italian Referees Association (AIA) is centered on teaching. “To bring current referees to high levels. To explain to them, together with Rocchi and others, how to manage a Real Madrid-City or a World Cup match. How to prepare for it. For internationals and those who will become internationals. A sort of Master’s degree, but institutionalized,” he elaborated.

When asked about the exodus of top Italian refereeing talent abroad, Orsato expressed hope that he could help reverse this trend. He also dismissed rumors of being furious with Rosetti for not being appointed to the Euro final, stating, “I can’t be furious with someone who chose me for a Champions League final.”

Looking to the future, Orsato shared his vision: “In ten years, I see myself receiving a call from a young referee I’ve helped develop, saying ‘Thank you for what you’ve done for me’ after refereeing a Champions League or World Cup match. That would be the satisfaction of my second life. I believe that today’s young referees need an Orsato.”


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