
Lippi on the Azzurri: “I have great confidence in this team and Spalletti”


Former Azzurri coach Marcello Lippi says he has great confidence in the current squad as well as coach Luciano Spalletti.  Lippi led Italy to World Cup glory in 2006, beating France in a famous penalty shoot that secured their fourth trophy win.  Speaking with La Gazzetta dello Sport, the legendary coach spoke about his enthusiasm for the current crop of players and their new coach:

“I have great confidence in this team and its coach,” Lippi said. “I like this Italy. I trust the wisdom, intelligence, and capabilities of Spalletti, who has shown his brilliance at Napoli and beyond. Luciano and I are great friends: I know he holds me in high regard, and the feeling is mutual. He will do well.”

Lippi emphasized the growth of the national team and his eagerness to follow their progress. “The national team is growing, and I will watch all their matches with great enthusiasm. I haven’t returned to the stadiums in Germany, especially in Dortmund, but maybe that will happen in the future, perhaps for this European Championship.”


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