Di Lorenzo

Di Lorenzo ready to stay at Napoli, press conference scheduled


Napoli captain Giovanni Di Lorenzo is now poised to remain with the club, thanks to a crucial phone call from President Aurelio De Laurentiis. This development comes after a tumultuous season for Napoli, where few players, including Di Lorenzo, managed to stand out. The captain’s performance suffered, culminating in a forgettable European Championship.

Last season was disastrous for Napoli, with the team failing to replicate their previous successes. Even Di Lorenzo, who had been a pillar for the team, struggled. His subpar performances extended to the European stage, where he had a tournament to forget. With the new season approaching, Di Lorenzo is focused on regaining his form and leading Napoli back to glory.

Calciomercato report that Di Lorenzo was on the verge of leaving Napoli. The lack of confidence from both the club and the fans, coupled with comments from his agent Mario Giuffredi, suggested that a split was imminent. Giuffredi had indicated that Di Lorenzo and Napoli were likely to part ways.

However, things have taken a turn. Initially, Di Lorenzo’s dissatisfaction led him to request a transfer during his first meeting with new sporting director Giovanni Manna. But the arrival of Antonio Conte as the new head coach has changed the captain’s perspective. Conte’s presence and public endorsements, along with supportive words from De Laurentiis, have played a significant role in altering Di Lorenzo’s decision.

A pivotal moment came when De Laurentiis personally called Di Lorenzo to emphasize his importance in Napoli’s rebuilding project. This gesture has helped to mend the relationship and reassured Di Lorenzo of his value to the team. Now, all eyes are on the next step: a press conference.

Next week, Di Lorenzo’s agent, Mario Giuffredi, is scheduled to hold a press conference to make an important announcement regarding Di Lorenzo’s future. It is expected that he will confirm the captain’s decision to stay at Napoli.


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