The Italian Council of State has put an end to the appeals filed by Juventus on ‘Calciopoli’, in light of the Bianconeri’s withdrawal of their last appeal. The ongoing case was related to the request to the FIGC for damages of €443 million for the award of the 2005/06 Scudetto to Inter. A case that began on 7 November 2011, with the first appeal to the ‘TAR del Lazio’ after the FIGC Council’s decision to reject the complaint presented by the Bianconeri . The TAR of Lazio, in July 2016, had then rejected Juventus’ new appeal, declaring it partly inadmissible and partly unfounded. The club, however, later turned to the Council of State, filing a new appeal.
An appeal that was still on the table in the past months, until 13 October 2023, when the club decided to proceed with an act of renunciation of the appeal, also requesting compensation for legal costs. This led to 24 October, when the hearing was held in which the waiver was confirmed: however, there were still legal costs at stake, so the official ruling of the Council of State, as learned by Italian news site Calcio e Finanza, arrived in recent days.
In particular, reads the ruling, the Council of State, “considering that with the memorandum notified and filed on 13 October 2023, also signed by the legal representative of Juventus Football Club S.p.A., the appellant stated that it renounced the appeal, requesting compensation for the costs of the proceedings” and “considering that with this expression the appellant (i.e. Juventus, ed.) intended to renounce the appeal”, the Council of State explained that the counterparties, i.e. FIGC and Inter, did not oppose the act of renunciation.
On the issue of legal costs, the Council of State has “considered that no particular reasons have been put forward nor are appreciable to derogate from the general rule, set forth by art. 84, paragraph 2, c.p.a., according to which “The renouncing party must pay the costs of the procedural acts carried out, unless the board, having regard to all circumstances, deems it necessary to compensate them””.
“The Council of State – continues the sentence – in jurisdictional seat (Fifth Section), definitively pronouncing on the appeal, as in epigraph proposed, acknowledges the renunciation of the appeal in epigraph indicated” deciding also to condemn the Juventus club “to the payment of the expenses related to the present level of judgement, which are settled in €. 5,000.00 in favour of each of the counterparts in the case”, concluded the Council of State.