
Conte: ‘My future? Lots of things could happen’


Former Juventus and Inter coach Antonio Conte says he is enjoying being with him family for the moment but anything could happen in the future. The former Bianconeri boss was present for the 100 year celebration of the clubs ownership by the Agnelli gamily. Speaking with Sky Sport Italia, he explained why he’s not looking for any new projects at the moment:

“Will I be on a bench again soon? I’m  enjoying being with my family, I made a precise choice when I decided to stop with Tottenham.

“Basically there is the desire to rest, but Many things can happen along the way .”

“The Agnelli family represents Juventus, they should be thanked because they still continue to create conditions to make the fans happy. I also see former players of mine, it means that time is passing”.

“The best moment in black and white? The UEFA Cup with Trapattoni and the first scudetto with Lippi. Then the Champions League is indescribable…”


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