
Chiellini: “Leao? A good substitute for a title-contending team, not at Vinicius’ level”


Former Juventus defender Giorgio Chiellini shared his candid thoughts on  Milan’s Portuguese winger Rafael Leao during a live interview on Sky. The veteran centre-back offered a frank assessment of Leao’s current standing in top-tier football.

Chiellini stated that while Leao has potential, he still falls short of expectations: “We all wish he was a bit further along in his development, but he’s not there yet. He lacks the numbers, and much of his potential remains untapped.”

The Italian defender expressed uncertainty about Leao’s ability to make a significant leap in performance: “I’m not sure if he’ll ever have that mental click to score more goals and provide more assists.”

Chiellini then delivered a pointed evaluation of Leao’s role in a championship-caliber team: “As of now, I see him more as an excellent substitute rather than a regular starter for a team aiming to win either a European championship or the Champions League.”

Drawing comparisons with other top talents, Chiellini concluded: “If we’re using players like Vinicius and Rodrygo as the benchmark, he’s not at their level.”


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