
Cassano: “Leao Doesn’t Have the Guts, He’s Better as a Rapper”


Antonio Cassano has once again stirred controversy with his harsh criticism of AC Milan’s Rafael Leão. During a recent appearance on “Striscia la Notizia,” Cassano received his 21st Tapiro d’oro, a symbolic award for his outspoken remarks. He did not hold back in his assessment of Leão, stating, “I reiterate that Leão doesn’t have the guts… It’s easy to respond after the Supercoppa; meanwhile, on Saturday he played poorly again.”

Cassano continued his tirade, expressing his disdain for Leão’s performances: “Even Conceição will realize that he’s overrated. He earns €8 million and can’t pass the ball; he scores too few goals. He should stick to being a rapper instead; that suits him better.” This scathing critique reflects Cassano’s long-standing skepticism regarding Leão’s abilities on the field.

In response to a question about fellow footballer Bobo Vieri, Cassano declared, “I don’t talk about that guy anymore; he’s a closed chapter. But the results we’re achieving now are better than before: we were three superstars plus another, now we’re just superstars.” This comment highlights Cassano’s focus on team dynamics and performance.

Leão, known for his talent and potential, has faced mounting pressure due to inconsistent performances this season. The Portuguese winger has been criticized not only by Cassano, but also by various media outlets for his lacklustre contributions in key matches. In light of these criticisms, Leão responded to Cassano’s remarks by labelling him a “clown” on social media, using emojis to emphasize his disdain.


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