Bologna have officially submitted its Champions League squad list to UEFA, with manager Vincenzo Italiano making some notable selections. As expected, Swedish winger Jesper Karlsson has been left out of the squad, with Lewis Ferguson included instead.
In addition to Karlsson, five other players have been excluded from the list. These include Lorenzo De Silvestri and Benjamin Dominguez, whose exclusions were widely anticipated. Mihajlo Ilic is also absent, as he does not meet the criteria for inclusion in List B, and Nicolò Cambiaghi is omitted due to a long-term injury. Oussama El Azzouzi is the final player to be cut from the squad.
Despite recovering from a cruciate ligament injury sustained in April, team captain Lewis Ferguson is included in the squad, with his return anticipated between late October and early November.
The players included in Bologna’s Champions League List A are:
– Goalkeepers: Lukasz Skorupski, Federico Ravaglia
– Defenders: Emil Holm, Stefan Posch, Martin Erlic, Nicolò Casale, Charalampos Lykogiannis, Jhon Lucumi, Sam Beukema, Juan Miranda
– Midfielders: Nikola Moro, Remo Freuler, Tommaso Pobega, Lewis Ferguson, Michel Aebischer, Jens Odgaard, Giovanni Fabbian
– Forwards: Riccardo Orsolini, Santiago Castro, Dan Ndoye, Samuel Iling-Junior, Thijs Dallinga
Additionally, the B List includes young talents such as Tommaso Corazza, Nicola Bagnolini, and Kacper Urbanski.
1 Lukasz Skorupski
2 Emil Holm
3 Stefan Posch
5 Martin Erlic
6 Nikola Moro
7 Riccardo Orsolini
8 Remo Freuler
9 Santiago Castro
11 Dan Ndoye
14 Samuel Iling-Junior
15 Nicolò Casale
16 Tommaso Corazza (list B)
18 Tommaso Pobega
19 Lewis Ferguson
20 Michel Aebischer
21 Jens Odgaard
22 Charalampos Lykogiannis
23 Nicola Bagnolini (list B)
24 Thijs Dallinga
26 Jhon Lucumi
31 Sam Beukema
33 Juan Miranda
34 Federico Ravaglia
80 Giovanni Fabbian
82 Kacper Urbanski (list B)