I pity those still labouring and suffering under the illusion of an Allegri of their own manufacture. Myself included! For I am prone to chide yet not castigate…as mentioned elsewhere…
After last Sunday’s horror-show against arch rivals Inter Milan we were fortunate to welcome Cagliari to Turin as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter to immediately remind ourselves that all is…
We witnessed the passion, belief and grit that was largely absent from the mid-week skirmishes on the European front, and ultimately a thoroughly deserved victory which could truly kick-start the…
Our lead-up to this opening fixture of european competition was generally positive yet very much fragmented. Our victories had been deserved, with virtually zero threat of defeat, though we were…
With the international break proving a bother for many, some out of concern for injuries, for others further trauma delaying late in the day tactical adjustments, it seems opportune to…
This mercato has been one of major upheaval, and with the transfer drawbridge soon to be raised I thought it timely to delve into the figures and soothe the concerns of…
It is a bother, to find ourselves in a similar situation to this time last year. In that we have not completed our mercato by any means, with the season…
As the Pogba story continues to bore and drag inexorably towards a finale fit for an audience of trainee clowns, I am feeling a suspicion creep up my spine. For…
Whilst the interminable focus of the mass media remains steadfastly following Pogba’s bowel movements, I have been pondering our signings to date. The mercato has been immensely strong, and it…
Fresh from a long overdue escape from the citadel, where I stayed in a renovated shack on the side of a valley, found the frogs and kangaroos and a roaring…
Whilst the world apparently shifts on its axis as BREXIT mass hysteria engulfs the many, and my own concerns lie in the – some would say – provocative measure to…
We went into this tournament far removed from the talked of favourites or even dark horses. ‘The worst Italy squad for 50 years’ people were saying and on paper, it…
Whilst I have been consistent in my deflated appraisal of la nazionale in the lead up to the tournament – and perhaps offered Conte a lion share of my bitterness…
Not since Marchisio have we seen a bona fide home grown star emerge from the youth sector to find a place in the senior side. I could include Giovinco, yet…
Whilst conflicting snippets of Morata quotes cause dizziness, a more welcome story has appeared within the same sphere of late. Namely, the possible inclusion of Croatian playmaker Mateo Kovacic into…
Despite the mathematical confirmation of our 34th scudetto arriving a few weeks back both fans and players deserved a spectacle to celebrate the wonderful achievement. And a spectacle we were…
With the league fixture remaining a chance merely to prance and revel in the afterglow of championship glory, Allegri officially extending his contract and the Coppa Italia final to look…
(Contribution from Belgianjuventino) As the 2015/2016 season is fast approaching its end and EURO 2016 is beginning to loom over the world of football, the transfer window in turn is awakening…
A few weeks back, I had this marked as one of the three fixtures where I saw a possibility of losing points. Napoli’s games against Inter and Roma were the…
I had suspected we would face a sterner test than league positions and recent results would suggest. For games against AC Milan are always something separate, beyond and apart from…