Sports agent Beppe Riso provided updates on several of his clients after leaving Inter Milan’s headquarters on Thursday. Riso was at the club to finalize contract extensions for two young Inter talents, De Pieri and Lavelli, who will both extend their contracts for another five years.
Upon exiting the meeting, Riso commented on the young players: “De Pieri? Spectacular kid, I’m emotional because he’s just a boy. Is Lavelli next? I think so.”
Regarding Davide Frattesi’s situation at Inter, Riso clarified: “We didn’t discuss Frattesi today. Inter absolutely never wanted to let him go. It was more my idea. Did I speak with Roma? Yes, but only at the beginning of the transfer window. I repeat: it was my idea, neither Davide’s nor Inter’s. Does he want to stay at Inter? Yes, he’s said so himself. Will we discuss it again in the summer? Not for now.”
When asked about potential moves for other clients, Riso addressed rumors surrounding Lorenzo Lucca and Daniel Maldini: “Lucca as an option for Milan? But I’ve read about Gimenez. Have we closed the deal with Atalanta for Maldini? No, we haven’t closed it.”