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Romelu Lukaku’s World Cup at risk?


Romelu Lukaku is reportedly concerned that he may miss the upcoming World Cup following his latest muscle injury. The Inter striker has been ruled out of action yet again and is expected to be on the sidelines for at least a few weeks.

The 29-year-old Belgian international has already missed much of the season, his latest cameo’s lasting just half an hour between the Champions League and Serie A.

La Gazzetta dello Sport report that Lukaku flew to Belgium yesterday to work with the the Belgian national team’s doctors and get a better understanding of injury and expected recovery time.

Lukaku is concerned that he’ll be forced to miss the upcoming World Cup in Qatar , given that Belgium’s first match is on November 23 against Canada.

The suggestion is that he may still be called up to the final squad in the hopes he will recover in time for the later matches.


Serie A obsessive.