Chelsea outcast Romelu Lukaku reportedly tried to ask Inter and his former teammates for their forgiveness. The Belgian striker was all set to return to the Nerazzurri this summer, but reports from Italy claimed he was also in negotiations with Serie A rivals Juventus.
La Gazzetta dello Sport report that the 30-year-old striker had agreed terns with the Bianconeri, leading to a breakdown in talks with Inter, who promptly pulled out of all negotiations and made it clear they had no intention of signing Lukaku.
The report outlines how Lukaku made attempts to try and heal the rift he’d caused by contacting Inter and his former teammates to apologise and ask for forgiveness for his actions this summer.
Despite his efforts, the clubs management team have reportedly made it clear that they have no intention of entering into talks again, with club President Steven Zhang shutting down any chances for the striker to return.